looks pretty good so far
There were a couple of minor things that you should look into and pay attention to but over all I think that it is looking pretty good, keep this up with a little improvement and you should have a decent series commin out. So what I saw was one thing of text that cut off, make sure all your text blocks are static if you dont intend for them to move. In once scene there is a girl with her hand on the glass and the thumb is on the wrong side, hehe. Pay attention to all the little details, I know it can be tedius, but it is what really makes the diffrence between ok, and great. You had some cycles that were just looped to quickly or to obviously, like one girls hair, and the smoke at the end. Your style seems good, although at times slightly inconsistant, like you put a lot of effort into faces and hair, and your arms and hands look like crap. Keep it all up to par. Good work, and just keep gettin better.